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Part 3: Integration

Connecting your quiz to your email marketing program list so new subscribers go to your list

Damaris Pacheco avatar
Written by Damaris Pacheco
Updated over a week ago

We have a brand new course for 2022! The new course is updated with all of our latest strategies for maximizing lead generation and product sales.

This is the previous version of our course, if you want to proceed on this page this is our out-dated quiz course but still good!

Once your quiz has content and is stylized the way you want, it's time to connect it to your email list so that it collects new subscribers for you. Let's break this down into three parts.

To begin this section, go to your interact dashboard and click "edit" then "integration"

1. Setting up the opt-in form

For best practices on how to write the copy for your opt-in form click here.

The opt-in form shows up on your quiz after someone has answered all of the questions but before they see their results (like a gate). Typically it's optional, meaning that there is a "skip this step" option on the gate. You can make it required, however we highly recommend leaving it optional.

2. Connecting Your List

For specific instructions on your email marketing system, click on the link for your system below.
Active Campaign
Campaign Monitor
Constant Contact

3. Deciding where quiz subscribers go in your email marketing system

Once your system is connected, the first thing you'll see is a page that looks like the one below.

You'll have options for adding actions in your email marketing system depending on which result people get on your quiz. These options vary depending on the email marketing system you use, so refer to the integration-specific guides listed above for those details.

There is a separate set of actions for each of the quiz results in your quiz. I highly recommend adding the different results to different sequences or lists so you can send specific email follow-ups to people depending on which result they get. You'll need to go set these up in your email marketing system at this point if you haven't already.

(Advanced) There's also an option to add people to sequences, lists, or apply tags or custom field values based on how they answer specific quiz questions.

Once you're finished mapping quiz results and questions to your email list, you'll confirm which fields are populated by your quiz. Fields added to your opt in form can be mapped here. In this example, we are only collecting email.

Then you'll get a confirmation that your quiz connected successfully to your email marketing program, and you can send a test lead to make sure everything goes through correctly.

To complete this module:

  1. Write your quiz opt-in form copy

  2. Connect your email marketing system to your quiz

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