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Interact GDPR Compliance
Interact GDPR Compliance

We are a GDPR compliant quiz maker

Updated over a week ago

Interact (The Quiz Collective, Inc.) quizzes can be GDPR compliant, click here for a link to our Privacy Shield participant profile and click here to view our Privacy Policy.

There are four main responsibilities in order to comply with GDPR and we provide the tools necessary for your quizzes to comply.

These are the responsibilities.

Here are the resource we've made available so you can comply with your customers.

  • Required Opt-In Consent: There is an unchecked checkbox you can enable on any Interact application. Once enabled no one will be able to opt-in through your quiz or other apps unless they check the box - there will not be an option to have the box checked by default. The consent text they are agreeing to by checking the box will be stored alongside contact data for reference. To enable this feature, Enable Lead Capture for a quiz, poll, or giveaway. Click Set up opt-in form and under Form Settings, enable GDPR Compliant Consent Checkbox. See instructions below: 

  • Lead Data Deletion: We provide a "Permanently Delete" option for all leads you collect through interact. If a customer makes a request to delete all data you will be able to comply by going to the Leads tab under Analytics for one of your quizzes, polls, or giveaways, then clicking on the Download or Delete Lead button. Follow the prompt to confirm deletion. See instructions below:

  • Lead Data Portability: We provide a "Portability" function that lets you download all information collected about an individual in a CSV or JSON format you can send to them if they request access to it. Go to the Leads tab under Analytics for one of your quizzes, polls, or giveaways, then click on the Download or Delete Lead button. Follow the prompt to download the data. See instructions below:

  • Required Tracking Consent: There will be an optional gate in order to consent to tracking when Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel tracking enabled. If you turn the gate on, no one will be tracked until they opt-in to consent to tracking. If they opt-out of being tracked then Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel will be disabled for that user.

Here is how we provide data privacy for our customers

  • We require all new users to check a box agreeing to our terms and conditions of tracking prior to signing up for interact. It will not be pre-checked and you will not be able to register for interact without checking the box. 

  • We provide a "Global Delete" option wherein you will be able to delete your account and all associated data, which will remove you from every single system interact uses to store your personal data.

  • We provide "Right of Access" for all data we've collected on your account, which you can receive upon request. 

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