Add an embed Widget to any page or post on your Wix website
Step 1: Click the "+" icon on the left sidebar:
Then select "Embed Code"
Lastly, click the "Embed HTML" to add a widget to your site.
Step 2: A widget will appear on the screen, click on it to open the text box for pasting your quiz embed code.
Accessing your Quiz Embed Code from Interact
Step 1: Open your Interact dashboard and click “Share & Embed” on the quiz you want to add as a Pop-Up on your Wix site.
Step 2: Click on “Pop Up” on the left sidebar, and then:
Click the “Javascript” tab
Toggle on "Promote" to promote your quiz as a Pop Up.
Step 3: Under "Customize the popup" and "Edit the Popup Visibility" customize the visibility settings for the popup so it shows up at the right time and on the right pages.
Step 4: Scroll up and hit "Copy Code."
Paste your Quiz embed code into your Wix embed block
Step 1: Paste the Interact embed code you copied and click "Update"
Step 2: Now your quiz will be embedded into Wix but does not look right.
In the next steps, we will optimize the quiz for the best experience on all devices.
Optimize the size of your quiz embed so it displays correctly on all devices
Step 1: Stretch the embed widget to the full width and height of the page.
Step 2: Click "Stretch"
Step 3: Then toggle on the "Stretch to full width" option.
If you don't want the quiz so large on the page, you can add Margins until the quiz is smaller on the page.
Step 4: Turn on the Mobile Editor, then stretch the canvas to be as tall as the screen so the mobile user will not need to scroll to view the quiz.
Step 5: Now Publish and test.
The Quiz should show all questions without scrolling on both desktop and mobile devices.