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Assessment Builder Overview

How to create an Assessment Style Quiz and how Assessment (multiple choice, correct answer) quizzes work

Damaris Pacheco avatar
Written by Damaris Pacheco
Updated over 10 months ago

Step 1: Set up the cover page for your Assessment Style Quiz. We recommend using the format of "How much do you really know about _______" for your quiz title.

Step 2: When creating your Assessment style quiz questions, you have the option to choose Text Answers or Image Answers.

Step 3: On your quiz question, select "Set Correct Answer"

Step 4: Select the correct answer. There will be a green check mark for the correct answer.

Optional: Check "Enable Select Multiple Answers" to select more than one correct answer.

Optional: You can enter an explanation of the Correct Answer if desired.

Step 5: Choose if you would like to reveal the correct answer immediately after a user selects an answer to a quiz question. (Note: this setting is the same for ALL questions).

Optional: Choose your colors for the Correct Answer Reveal Options

Complete Steps 3-5 for each of your Quiz Questions.

Step 6: Under Each Quiz Result, Select "Result Settings"

Step 7: Choose if you would like to display the score value in the results for your quiz.

Optional: You can choose to show the Correct Answers in the results.

Optional: You can choose your colors for the Correct Answer Reveal.

Step 8: Hit "Publish" when your quiz is complete!

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