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How to Connect Mailchimp to Interact
How to Connect Mailchimp to Interact

This article will describe how to connect your Mailchimp account to Interact apps.

Damaris Pacheco avatar
Written by Damaris Pacheco
Updated over a month ago

Steps to Complete Before Connecting Your Quiz to Mailchimp

When using MailChimp, we recommend that all of your leads be added to one MailChimp Audience.

  • For Mailchimp, think of the Audience as a List. Your quiz leads will be added to one audience/ list.

  • To segment, you're going to want to make a Tag for each Quiz Result in MailChimp first.

Step 1: To make a Tag, go to the left sidebar in Mailchimp and select Tags.

  • Once on this screen make sure that you are making tags for the correct audience. *My audience is entitled Interact Quizzes.*

Step 2: Now that I have that checked, click Create Tag.

Step 3: Make a tag for each of your Quiz Results using the same name as the Quiz Result. Click Create.

Step 4: Once you are done making a Tag for each quiz result, go under Settings of your Audience. Then select "Audience Fields & *MERGE* tags"

Step 5: In the Audience Fields, you only have to select and make Required and Visible the fields you are going to be collecting from the quiz taker in the Opt-in Form (*You will make your Opt-in Form later in your Interact Quiz Dashboard*).

  • For example, Email Address and First Name are both Required and Visible because I plan to ask for that information on my Interact Opt-in Form in a later step.

How to Connect Your Quiz to Mailchimp:

Step 1: Turn on "Lead Generation" on the Interact app builder's left sidebar.

  • To create your Opt-In Form, select the Contact Field information you would like to collect from your quiz takers.

  • *Your Required and Visible Audience Fields in Mailchimp should match the Contact Fields you have selected here for your Opt-in Form.*

Scroll down to customize your Opt-In Form and click "Save & Continue " when finished with your Opt-In Form.

Step 2: Under Connect your email list, choose Mailchimp from the list of integrations.

Step 3: Enter your Mailchimp credentials (This information can be found under your Profile in Mailchimp) and click Log In to authorize your Mailchimp account to Interact.

Map Interact Triggers to Mailchimp Actions:

In the following steps you’ll segment (tag) your leads with the result they got and/or answers they chose in the quiz so you can email the lead with specific information.

Step 4: On the Results tab, click the Add Action button.

Step 5: In the slide-out menu setup the desired Mailchimp options below that you want to run. Note: You’ll need to first create the list, merge field, and tags in Mailchimp for them to appear in the dropdowns menus.

  • Add to List (required): Choose the Mailchimp list you want to add your leads to from the Add to List drop down. For example, you can connect different results to different contact lists to send automated emails specific to the quiz result the lead received.

  • Update Merge Field: If you want to use the quiz result name in your emails, select a Mailchimp merge field to populate with the result name. Once you select the merge field you can edit the value that you want to appear in your emails for the specific result. For example, you could create a merge field “Quiz result title” and populate the field with the result name.

  • Add Tag to Contact: Tag new or existing contacts with the desired Mailchimp tag from the dropdown list. Tags can only be added to a contact, not removed.

Step 6: Once you’ve set up the triggers for the first result, click Save. Then, select the next results to map actions or if you want to set up the same actions for all results select Apply to all results.

When you have set all the triggers that you need for your specific setup, click Save & Continue.

Step 7 (optional): If desired, repeat steps 3 and 4 to to segment leads based on any quiz answers they chose. When you have set all the triggers you need for your specific setup, click Save & Continue.

Step 8: If desired, select the checkbox to turn off double opt-in. Keep the box unchecked if you want your quiz leads to double opt-in, or confirm their subscription via email after subscribing to the quiz. Then select Save & Continue.

Map Form Fields to Mailchimp Merge Fields

Step 9: Ensure the interact opt-in fields are mapped to the appropriate Mailchimp fields. For example, mapping First Name to “First Name” populates the leads name to the First Name merge field in Mailchimp.

Step 10: When finished with mapping your form fields, click Save & Continue. You can edit the integration settings at any time and if desired you can test the integration.

Step 10: Publish your quiz to start collecting leads. Select Publish then click Publish changes. You can republish your quiz any time you want to make changes to the integration and your quiz will udpate anywhere it's already published and embedded.


I am receiving an error when testing the integration connection with a test lead in the Interact builder, what can I do to fix this?

There are 3 main reasons leads fail to make it into your Mailchimp list:

  1. Contact unsubscribed or was previously deleted: If a contact was previously permanently deleted or unsubscribed from your list, it cannot be re-subscribed via the API. Be sure to test with an email that has never been added to your list or use a variation of an existing email, like

  2. Missing required fields: Be sure that your Mailchimp list does not have any required contact fields that are not being sent by the Interact form. For example, if your Mailchimp list requires a Last Name field, but you are not sending last name data in your Interact opt-in form, the lead will fail to be added to your Mailchimp list.

  3. Double opt-in: If you’re using double opt-in the test lead usually won’t come through. The double opt-in email doesn’t always get sent so it’s best to test this out on your live quiz. On your interact dashboard select Share & Embed on your quiz, click Copy Link, and paste it in a new browser to open the quiz. Opt in, check your email to confirm the double opt-in, then check your Mailchimp account to see if the lead came through.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will existing Mailchimp contacts be updated?

Yes, existing Mailchimp contacts will be updated with updated field values and be added to new lists. Mailchimp tags will be added to the existing contact.

How do you create new Mailchimp merge fields?

Step 1: In your Mailchimp account, select Audience then select All contacts.

Step 2: If you have multiple audiences, select the Current audience you want to work with then click Settings. If you have 1 audience, select Settings.

Step 3: Choose Audience fields and *|MERGE|* tags.

Step 4: Click Add A Field and choose Text.

Step 5: Fill out the form as desired and be sure that the Visible? checkbox is turned ON.

Step 6: Click Save Changes.

What will a new contact look like in Mailchimp?

The following screenshot is an example of what new contacts will look like as they populate into Mailchimp:

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