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Personality Quiz Overview: How to Make Your Personality Style Quiz from Scratch
Personality Quiz Overview: How to Make Your Personality Style Quiz from Scratch

How personality quizzes are set up.

Updated over a week ago

You can make a Personality-style quiz with our AI Quiz Maker in minutes.

How to make your Personality Style Quiz from Scratch:

Personality-style quizzes are based on correlations.

The system will determine which result the quiz taker will receive based on how the quiz taker has responded throughout the quiz. The answers to each question are correlated to a specific result. Whichever answers the quiz taker chooses most is the result they are going to receive.

Step 1: On your Quiz Dashboard, select "+ Create New Quiz"

Step 2: Select "Create a quiz from scratch"

Step 3: Choose "Personality" for your Quiz

Step 4: First you will customize the cover page of your quiz.

  • Title: We recommend that all personality quiz titles fall into the format of "Which/ What blank are you?"

  • Cover Image: Add a cover image that is representative of the quiz. We recommend the quiz cover photo include a person. This has been found to garner more clicks.

  • Cover Page Description: Add a short description that directly addresses the problem and tells the quiz taker that they will find the solution by the end of the quiz.

    Step 5: Next create all of the results of your quiz.

  • Result Title: The Result title should be concise

  • Result Image: The image should be representative of the result and a high quality image

  • Result Description: This is where you tell people more about their outcome in three to four sentences. The result should be framed in positive way.

  • Call to Action: Typically customers link their website URL, scheduling page or a link to a PDF to their Call to Action Button.

**Make sure your create your Results before creating the quiz questions.

You will need to correlate the answer choices for each question to a result in the next step.**

Step 6: After creating your Quiz Results, you can create your Quiz Questions

  • Quiz Question: Make your questions as short as possible using clear and simple language. We recommend 5-7 questions to keep your quiz taker engaged.

  • Quiz Answers: Include 2-6 answer choices per question. The ideal is 4 answer choices per question.

  1. Make sure that there are obvious differences in the answer options. However you do not want too many choices as that will overwhelm your quiz takers and they will not complete your quiz.

  2. You can create text or image answers. We recommend text questions with image answers as this format yields the highest engagement.

Step 7: For each quiz question, you will need to set up the correlations between all the answer choices and the results.

Click "Edit Result Correlations"

Step 8: A dialog box will appear. All of the answer choices for that specific quiz question will appear on the left side and the results of your quiz will be on the right side

  • Click an answer choice and then click on the corresponding result that correlates.

Step 9: Correlate each quiz answer to the corresponding result.

  • Then hit "Save"

Step 10: Complete steps 7, 8 and 9 for each quiz question. Then hit "Publish" on your completed Personality Style Quiz.

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