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5 ways to promote Interact and build your income
5 ways to promote Interact and build your income

Ideas and resources for promoting interact as an affiliate

Jackie avatar
Written by Jackie
Updated over a week ago

Ready to promote Interact as an affiliate?

We're ready to help you get started earning income while supporting entrepreneurs and businesses who want to use a quiz.

Let's jump right in to 5 different ways you can promote interact and grow your income!

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Make them aware they need a quiz

A great way to bring value to your audience is to teach them about the importance of email marketing, and even more specifically segmented email campaigns (because you can get up to a 760% increase in ROI).

When someone is aware that they need to collect emails and send their leads the right message at the right time, it will prompt an action of choosing a software to meet these needs.

Then, highlight Interact as the program of choice when it comes to making a lead generating quiz. Put your link in related courses or communities (that you manage or are in). Add a description of how interact can help your audience overcome different goals as they relate to any of your offerings like, list building, email marketing, increasing sales, or recommending products.

Bonus income: Interact integrates with 50+ custom integrations like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Active Campaign and more, and with Zapier for any additional third-party integrations. Pair any affiliate links you have for an email marketing system with your interact link to get rewards from both programs!

Create a tech stack or resource page

Add interact to a list of all of your favorite tools!

If you have affiliate links for any email marketing systems, recommend the system they can use along with interact. Because, when you use a quiz to grow your list, you’ll know things about your new leads so you can send more specific emails. And remember, segmented campaigns can get up to 760% more ROI!

If you don’t share a list of the tools you use yet, we’d suggest you create one and be sure to add your Interact affiliate link. People follow you because they like you, they trust you, and they know you can support them so will often look for this list of tools or tips to achieve results just like you!

Share Your Story

Do you use quizzes in your own business? Share your story about how you use quizzes and the results that you get from them. This is a great way to build authority, allowing your audience to trust quizzes, and use them to obtain similar results as you.

If you don’t use a quiz, what are you waiting for?!! Get started using one of our ready-to-go quiz templates to share your experience. Or you can share interact’s story of how we use a quiz to generate leads and make sales.

Promote an interact event or book a live event with us

We host events like live Q&As, webinars, and even masterminds, to support people in creating and optimizing a quiz for any use case!

Create custom affiliate links to Interact’s event pages and get rewarded when those referrals sign up for a paid account.

You can also host your own live session or reach out to to schedule a demo, Q&A, or live session hosted by interact for your audience!

Talk about AI

AI is buzzzing around the internet right now and people everywhere are wondering how they can start using AI in their business.

Well, here's another use case to share: Interact AI!

Answer just a few questions and have a quiz made for you. Your audience will definitely appreciate this new feature that gives them a custom quiz right away. So much faster than our 5 weeks of live coaching and even our 3 day quiz mastermind.

These five tips will get you started on making more passive income. If you have any other questions or if we can support you in any other way, please let us know at

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