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Part 4: Follow-Up Emails
Damaris Pacheco avatar
Written by Damaris Pacheco
Updated over a week ago

We have a brand new course for 2022! The new course is updated with all of our latest strategies for maximizing lead generation and product sales.

If you proceed on this page, the below is our previous version of the course which is still good but not the best.

Note: In this section we are talking about building email sequences in your email marketing program, not in interact.

Once someone opts in to your list from your quiz you'll want to follow up in order to close the sale. We recommend a four-email follow-up sequence sent over 10 days after someone subscribes in order to convert the new subscriber into a paying customer. 

Below is a template for writing these emails, they are specific to each quiz result, so you'll have four emails for each result set up on a drip sequence to send out to new quiz leads.

To complete this module:

  1. Write 4 follow-up emails for each of your quiz results and add them to your email marketing system

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