To add more social sharing options to your quiz, navigate to "Social Share Settings" on the left sidebar in the quiz editor. You'll see check-boxes for options that you want to add for quiz sharing. I'll walk through each option as we go.
Shown in quiz result: Above Result Image. This will show up just below the title of the result and score (if it's a quiz that has a score), shares the quiz takers' individual result
Shown in quiz result: Above Result Description: This will be shown below the result image, but above the description, shares the quiz takers' individual result
Shown in quiz result: Below Result Description: These buttons will be shown below the result description at the very bottom of the quiz result, shares the quiz takers' individual result
Shown throughout entire quiz: Right Side: Will be shown on every page of the quiz, shares the quiz link
Now all together (not recommended, but so you can see it)