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How to write quiz questions
How to write quiz questions
Damaris Pacheco avatar
Written by Damaris Pacheco
Updated over 11 months ago

Logistical instructions for writing quiz questions (length, number of questions, etc.)

  1. Write simply, use clear words

  2. Make your questions as short as possible

  3. Include 4-8 questions in your quiz, only questions you need to make the quiz accurate

  4. Include 2-6 answer choices per question. The ideal is 4 answer choices per question. The reason being that you want to give people choices so they feel invested in your quiz and the quiz has credibility since there are obvious differences in the answer options. However you do not want too many choices as that will overwhelm your quiz takers and they will not complete your quiz.

  5. The ideal length for quiz questions is 10-20 words. Make the variation in length for quiz questions no more than 5 words. So if your first question is 15 words, make the rest of your questions between 10 and 20 words. You do not want your quiz experience to alter drastically from question to question. Your quiz takers will get used to the way your questions show up on their device and if you have questions of drastically varying length it will make the experience clunky and lead to drop off.

  6. The ideal length for answer choices is 1-15 words, make answer choices similar length to each other with variation of no more than 5 words.

  7. Write the answer choices exactly how your quiz takers would say them

  8. Easy option: write one answer choice for each quiz result

  9. Advanced option: Use branching logic

The best tone and writing style approach for quiz questions

  1. Put the easiest to answer questions at the beginning of your quiz. Make it easy for the quiz taker to get on a roll of answering questions. Put any harder to answer questions at the end of your quiz where the quiz taker is already invested in finishing the quiz. What I mean by “easy to answer” is that an easy to answer question means your quiz taker doesn’t have to think about their answer. It’s something they already know their answer to and it does not take them any brain power to come up with their choice for that quiz question.

  2. Imagine your ideal quiz taker is in front of you and you are asking them the question directly

  3. Build curiosity by asking questions that are loosely related to the topic of the quiz but not so directly related that it’s obvious how the quiz takers answer choice will determine their quiz result

  4. Use the same tone and cadence you use to talk with people in real life. Remember that a quiz is a one-to-one conversation, it’s you talking to the quiz taker directly. Every person who takes your quiz will experience it differently and there’s no need to try and make your quiz sound like a press release for the masses.

  5. Use quiz questions to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of your customer base and quiz takers. Use phrases that your quiz takers use, ask questions that you already know your quiz takers are thinking about all day long. The more your quiz questions show you “get” your audience, the more your quiz will work to win people over so they’ll be ready and excited to opt in and the end of your quiz and be interested in buying whatever it is you are selling.

  6. Vary the types of questions you ask. You want each question to act as its own experience, rather than all the questions flowing together in one mass. Don’t ask the same types of questions in the same way every time

Specific instructions for each type of quiz question

Personality quiz questions

  1. Personality questions should be fun and playful, but also to the point. You want to ask your questions with the human being who will be answering the question in mind. Ask the questions directly to one person as if they were standing in front of you, don’t ask them to a mass audience.

  2. Keep your questions succinct and straightforward. There is no need to add unnecessary description or filler words. You want your quiz to flow nicely and you do not want extra words to get in the way of that.

  3. Stay on topic. If you ask a question that is unrelated to the topic of the quiz, make sure it

Assessment questions

  1. Assessment questions should be about getting information from the quiz taker regarding their current status as it relates to the assessment quiz subject.

E-commerce product quiz questions

  1. Product quiz questions are super direct. You want to ask your quiz takers exactly about their preferences and choices related to your products. There is no need to go outside of that and actually any questions not directly related to the product recommendations you’ll make at the end of the quiz can decrease your conversions.

  2. Make sure you ask enough questions about different preferences related to your products to make an accurate recommendation at the end. A quiz that does not gather enough information to give your quiz takers the products that really match what they want will fall short.

Trivia quiz questions

  1. Ask questions from different angles or aspects of the topic. Don’t ask questions that all sound the same and are simply assessing facts. Ask about areas of the topic that might not be as typical or common.

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